Frequently Asked Questions

What is sourdough?

Sourdough is made using natural yeast called starter. The starter is made using flour and water. While it ferments, it pulls natural yeast from the environment and the flour it's fed. When beginning a starter, the baker discards some and then feeds the starter fresh flour and water. Eventually (usually after a week or so), bubbles will appear, and soon after, the starter will rise on its own.

What is sourdough starter and how do I make it?

Sourdough starter (I'll call it starter) is nothing but flour and water.

In the beginning, as the flour ferments, bacteria, yeasts, and acids develop. The yeast comes from your environment: the flour you use, your hands, and even the air. Yeast from different parts of the world is different, so a starter, wherever it is developed, will gather these yeast particles and develop its flavor.

When developing a starter, add water to flour and let it sit. It's best to cover it loosely so air can be exchanged but to keep dust, dirt, and bugs out. Some people use cheesecloth, some a lid, and others (like myself) a coaster. Whatever you have on hand will work.

To learn more about starter and how to make it, check out my blog post about Sourdough Starter.

How do you make sourdough bread?

There are as many ways to make sourdough as there are people on the earth. The most basic sourdough is made with flour, water, salt, and starter. The flour can be bought in the market or milled fresh at home.

Do I need any special equipment to make sourdough?

This is a tricky question. The short answer is no. The long answer is that hundreds, if not thousands, of products are sold to help with making sourdough. Some of it is very useful; some is needless. What is useful is really up to the baker and their style. Most bakers will agree that to make consistent, good sourdough, the following items should be used: a mixing bowl, measuring cups, a kitchen scale, a pan, and an oven.

What type of flour should I use for my sourdough starter?

This depends on the type of sourdough you want to make. Most sourdough is made with either bread or all-purpose flour (in the U.S.). The easiest flour to use is wheat-based because it builds gluten. Many bakers like to mix some whole-grain flour with their white flour; others use only whole-grain flour. The varieties are endless. There are even some gluten-free sourdough recipes that use alternate flours.